Merry Christmas from The Vandiver's
It's been a "little" while since I last updated the blog.
The kids are a "little" older and have changed some!
Hunter is now 7, Cole is now 5 and Ethan turned 15 mo.
on the 22nd of this month. He has turned out to be our
blonde hair blue eyed little (BIG) boy. Hunter is in
the 1st grade and doing really well as long as he stays
focused on what he is doing. Cole is in his last year of
preschool and really enjoys it as well. He actually tells
me things he has learned that day instead of telling
me that all he did was play in the sand! I babysit a little
girl who is 2-1/2 weeks older than Ethan which makes
my days pretty busy chasing after two toddlers. Jeremy
is still in maintenance at RFMD and is still enjoying his
job. All is well here and hoping all is well with our family
and friends. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!