The Vandiver Family

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hunter's 1st T-Ball game

He looks like he is wearing tights but these are
actually the socks they gave us as part of his uniform.

Waiting for his team to be called during opening


running the bases
taking his position
His 1st time at bat.

Waking from a nap

I think I saw something....
I did see something....
there it is again...
I see you....
there's my mommy!!!!

Watching Saturday morning shows. It was very cute
but it didn't last long.

Sci Works

We went to Sci Works during the boy's spring break
back in April. Sci Works is a hands on science center
in Winston. They got to catch fish, play on a life size
piano like in the movie "Big" and brush some large
teeth among other things. They had a section on planets
which the boys liked as well. We all had a good time.