The Vandiver Family

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Easter 2008

All of my boys in their Sunday best.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Ethan @ 6 months

Ethan was 6 months old on 3/22. He is now
16 lbs 6 oz and 28 inches long. He is still in 6-9
months clothes. The footed sleepers are getting
tight because of his length so I'm looking foward
to warmer weather so I can pull out the shorts
and rompers. He is a master at rolling over from
belly to back and back to belly. He sits up and
babbles, well he mostly yells right now. He sleeps
through the night in his own bed 9 out of 10 times
which I'm thrilled about. He gets up around 7:30-
8:00am and goes to bed around 8:00-8:30pm usually.
We are on stage 2 foods and he eats a whole jar at
a time. I asked the doctor and he said that was fine.
He loves to be outside. If he gets upset I can usually
take him on the porch and he will calm right down.

The boys checking out the animals before our Easter
production at church.

Before you walked into church, they had a

manger scene. The baby Jesus was running late

so Ethan filled in for a little bit. He was fine until

the chickens started to squalk at him and that

really upset him.

The boys had their spring concert the
weekend before Easter. They got to play
bells for the first song. There were motions
for the rest of the songs. They were both
very cute and vocal!

Our Sunday school class had an Easter get
together with food, Easter egg hunt and a visit
from the Easter bunny. Ethan was very fascinated
by the Easter bunny. The boys had a blast hunting
eggs and they liked meeting the Easter bunny
and being able to take their picture with her.

I put Ethan in his swing for the first time and he
wasn't to happy about it. It was a little chilly and
it was close to nap time which probably explains
why. He loves it now everytime I put him in it.

Ethan loves eating his toes where they are
covered or not. When I sit him up, he likes to
lean over and eat them.

many cute faces of Ethan

Ethan @ 5 months

Here is Ethan at 5 months. He is getting big
he is so long. At this stage he was going into
6-9 month clothing. He was more lively and
playful. I babysit a little girl who is only 2 1/2
weeks older than Ethan and they are so funny
to sit and watch. They like to pick on each other.

Hunter played basketball in the Cross Court program
at church. He was so cute. He was a very literal player.
If the coach told him to go under the basket, he was
literally standing under the basket. It was very enter-
taining to see 5 & 6 year olds play basketball.

Eating cereal for the first time. it took a while for
him to get the hang of a spoon but he did a good

Ethan @ 4 months

Here is Ethan at 4 months (1/22). He was
27 in long and weighed 16 lbs 2 1/2 oz. He
had mastered rolling from belly to back but
not back to belly yet.

Our church had a ladies confrence in January and
they had Karen Kingsbury (shown above in middle)
as the guest speaker. After, Christy and I got our
picture made with her.

Our New House

This is our new home. We have lived here now for
almost two months. We are mostly settled in, just
have to fine tune a few rooms. I'll post pictures of
the inside when everything is in place.

Pictures of Ethan

Having some tummy time
stealing one of Cole's babies
The jail bird

Christmas Morning

Ethan got a jumper. The boys got Planet Heros, Lightning
McQueen, Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars & several other toys.
Missy got a a coat with fur on it that scared her to death.