The Vandiver Family

Monday, October 22, 2007

My three sons!!!

1 month old

He has skinny arms and legs and a
big belly.
Just hanging out.
This was the outfit he wore home from the
hospital and now he has outgrown it!At this point, he was tried of pictures!

Hunter's 1st Day of Kindergarten in NC

Hunter's 1st day of kindergarten in NC. He loves
his teacher and her assistant. The school is big on
math and science so any time they are learning
something, his teacher tries to incorperate the two.
He is doing very well.

Cole's 1st Day of Preschool

This was Cole's 1st day of preschool. He loves it.
He has lots of girlfriends. He comes home singing
new songs and tells us about playing in the sandbox.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Finally an update!!!!

It's been a very long time since we posted anything. There have been a couple reasons for that!! As you will see below, the first is our new addition. Ethan is finally here and all his stats are found below so I won't repeat them here. Second, we have moved!! Jeremy has gotten a job in NC with RF Micro Devices. Me and the boys moved in the Jeremy's parents back on Aug 19th so that we could get them ready for school and so that I could still be able to move. Jeremy came on Sept. 6th. Our house in KY is under contract and we will hopefully close on it very soon so that we can get our own place here. The whole job and move has been a total God thing!! With the way everything has worked out, there is no way that it could be anything else!!! I know that most of the pictures right now are of Ethan, but I promise to update with more pictures of Hunter and Cole now that I know how to from here.

First Sponge Bath

You can really tell how skinny he is in this picture.
At least his arms and legs are!

He wasn't thrilled with this whole thing!

He was happy once it was over!

Going Home

It took both boys a little bit before they really filled
out this outfit. Ethan is filling it out at 2 days old!

meeting his brothers

chubby cheeks
you can't really tell how long he is in this picture
because his legs are curled up
such a hard life!

The Big Day!!

very swollen feet

Our new little bundle of joy!! Well, not so little!
Ethan William was born on Sept. 22nd at 12:41 am.
He came in at 9 lbs. 3oz. and 23 1/2 inches long with
a full head of dark brown hair. He beat his brothers
by a good 2 lbs. I wasn't expecting him to be that big!

@ 9 months

Ready to pop!! The boys told me I looked like a candy
cane every time I wore this shirt.

@ 8 months

Still growing!!