The Vandiver Family

Thursday, November 16, 2006

We were shown how to make wreaths at one of our MOPS meetings.
The bottom picture was my first attempt and then I took it apart and
remade it (that is the top one). I think it turned out pretty good.
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The boys were protesting bedtime one night so Daddy
said he would rock them and they were asleep within
a matter of minutes.
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Cole got a hold of more markers. He got his face, arms,
hands and legs. Why he loves to mark all over himself
is beyond me.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cole decided to give himself a "tattoo" on his arms
and legs. He was so proud of himself.
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Happy Halloween!

Hunter was a cowboy and Cole was Thomas the Train.
Their bags got so heavy they were dragging them back
to the truck. The last couple pictures were Meme still
loading them up with more goodies. They had a very
good time and I think we have candy to last till next year!
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Missy was an angel.
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Hunter had a Lighting McQueen themed birthday.
He started his own "Happy Birthday" song because
no one else was paying attention. He loving telling
people that he is "a whole hand"!
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Luke became very interested in a big truck that
Hunter received. There were two buttons on the top
that would play different sounds when pressed that
Luke figured out very quickly. It was cute to watch
him play with it.
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Hunter showing off some of the presents he got.
He got several more but in most of the other pictures
there were other heads in the way. His cousins Madison,
Luke and Camille came to his party.
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MOPS Firehouse Playdate

The boys loved getting to go through the fire
truck and looking at all the stuff inside. Hunter
was disappointed because there wasn't a pole
to slide down.
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Missy's before and after shots

Her hair got so matted that they had to shave her
in order to remove the knots. She looks so different.
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Everyone really thought they were twins when I
took them out in these matching outfits.
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Yoga Anyone?

The boys decided to join me one day while I was
doing my yoga. I think we all got a good stretch.
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