The Vandiver Family

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hunter's Tooth

Hunter lost his first tooth on June 26th. This was
the first tooth he ever got. It makes me realize
how much they are growing up. He was very
excited to get his dollar and pack of gum.

Oak Island, NC

We took our first trip to a NC beach the weekend of June 6th. We
went with Jeremy's parents, the Sansom's (his sister's family) and
Jordawn (my sister). We all had a great time and the boys can't
wait to go back.
The pier close to our condo.
This is suppose to say Vandiver but Cole got mad and
rubbed that part out. He wasn't happy about having
to stop building his sandcastle to take this picture.

Jeremy building a sandcastle with the boy's.

Ethan's first time in the ocean. He wasn't sure
about it at first but he ended up really enjoying
the water. He also sampled the sand but didn't
enjoy that as much.

This is the view we had from our condo. It was so nice to sit
out on the back porch and hear the ocean, very relaxing.

May & April

My Mother's Day gift was getting the front of the house
re landscaped. It took us about two weeks to pull every-
thing out and clear the rocks/mulch they had down but
I think the final result was well worth all the hard work.

We spent Mother's day in Raleigh with Jeremy's parents
and the Sansom's (Jeremy's sister). This was the "Mom's"

Our Easter egg hunt with our Sunday school class. Yes,
that's my oldest with his bucket on his head.

You it's your third when you see something like this and
instead of freaking out you run and get your camera first.
Just so you know, Jeremy was standing right by him after
we found him so I could get the camera. He wanted to look
at his brother's playing on the play set. I just thought it was
to cute and to show how much of a climber he is!

March - Dec

Riding in the car. My three cuties!!!
Building our first family snowman. I think we did pretty good.

Our first big snow. The boys woke up that morning and asked
if it was Christmas because of the snow.

Wearing their Christmas pj's on Christmas Eve.

Our 9ft tree. Let me tell you that it wasn't fun
putting this thing together by myself (Jeremy
did offer to help but I didn't want to wait until the
next morning to put up the tree). I will wait for his
help next year.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from The Vandiver's

Merry Christmas!!!!!
It's been a "little" while since I last updated the blog.
The kids are a "little" older and have changed some!
Hunter is now 7, Cole is now 5 and Ethan turned 15 mo.
on the 22nd of this month. He has turned out to be our
blonde hair blue eyed little (BIG) boy. Hunter is in
the 1st grade and doing really well as long as he stays
focused on what he is doing. Cole is in his last year of
preschool and really enjoys it as well. He actually tells
me things he has learned that day instead of telling
me that all he did was play in the sand! I babysit a little
girl who is 2-1/2 weeks older than Ethan which makes
my days pretty busy chasing after two toddlers. Jeremy
is still in maintenance at RFMD and is still enjoying his
job. All is well here and hoping all is well with our family
and friends. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hunter's 1st T-Ball game

He looks like he is wearing tights but these are
actually the socks they gave us as part of his uniform.

Waiting for his team to be called during opening


running the bases
taking his position
His 1st time at bat.

Waking from a nap

I think I saw something....
I did see something....
there it is again...
I see you....
there's my mommy!!!!

Watching Saturday morning shows. It was very cute
but it didn't last long.

Sci Works

We went to Sci Works during the boy's spring break
back in April. Sci Works is a hands on science center
in Winston. They got to catch fish, play on a life size
piano like in the movie "Big" and brush some large
teeth among other things. They had a section on planets
which the boys liked as well. We all had a good time.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Easter 2008

All of my boys in their Sunday best.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Ethan @ 6 months

Ethan was 6 months old on 3/22. He is now
16 lbs 6 oz and 28 inches long. He is still in 6-9
months clothes. The footed sleepers are getting
tight because of his length so I'm looking foward
to warmer weather so I can pull out the shorts
and rompers. He is a master at rolling over from
belly to back and back to belly. He sits up and
babbles, well he mostly yells right now. He sleeps
through the night in his own bed 9 out of 10 times
which I'm thrilled about. He gets up around 7:30-
8:00am and goes to bed around 8:00-8:30pm usually.
We are on stage 2 foods and he eats a whole jar at
a time. I asked the doctor and he said that was fine.
He loves to be outside. If he gets upset I can usually
take him on the porch and he will calm right down.

The boys checking out the animals before our Easter
production at church.

Before you walked into church, they had a

manger scene. The baby Jesus was running late

so Ethan filled in for a little bit. He was fine until

the chickens started to squalk at him and that

really upset him.

The boys had their spring concert the
weekend before Easter. They got to play
bells for the first song. There were motions
for the rest of the songs. They were both
very cute and vocal!

Our Sunday school class had an Easter get
together with food, Easter egg hunt and a visit
from the Easter bunny. Ethan was very fascinated
by the Easter bunny. The boys had a blast hunting
eggs and they liked meeting the Easter bunny
and being able to take their picture with her.